Klar R6 Full


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Klar R6 Full Klar.gg Full is the best rage cheat for dominating R6 lobbies with features like no-clip, aimbot, and more.




Autowall – Automatically will shoot enemies through soft walls.
Shoot around Corners – Shoots around corners, at a greater angle than normally possible.
Corner Autowall – Automatically shoots enemies around corners who are also through soft walls. (May decrease FPS)
Time between Shots – The delay between bullets being fired by the ragebot.
Frameskips – The number of frames between each ragebot cast, higher means more fps but less shots.


Freeze Z – Freezes your character, can be used to freeze teammates, like this: https://streamable.com/eba3g8 or can be used for “godmode” like this: https://streamable.com/bzyxqe
EvilEye Forcefire – Shoots quickly with Maestro’s EvilEye camera and can almost instantly kill enemies.
Self-Res – Can be used to instigate DR noclip, and can be used to take no fall damage when jumping off something.
Noclip – Client sided but can be used to shoot through hard walls.
Force Rappel – Allows you to rappel in places you shouldn’t be able to when stood inside the green circle.
Ladder Teleport – Teleports, or mounts you onto the closest ladder available when stood inside the red circle.
Fast Defuse – Holding this key whilst defusing the planted case will speed up the action and defuse almost instantly


Run & Shoot – Allows you to shoot whilst running at full speed with no delay and without slowing down your player.
Jumping – Client sided but allows you to gain vertical height to shoot people you usually wouldn’t be able to.
Force Movement – Forces movement speed, and allows you to run at full speed in any direction.
No Spread – Your gun has no spread, and your bullets are always precise.
No Recoil – Your gun has no recoil, and others also see no-recoil (serverside).
No Pullout-Delay – There is no delay when pulling out your weapon.
Instant ADS – There is no delay when aiming down sights.
Longknife – Allows you to knife at greater distances.
Thickknife – Allows you to knife operates through shields and when aiming next to them.
Knife With Shield – Allows you to knife whilst having a shield out.
Melee Aura / Autoknife – Will automatically knife players whenever in close proximity.

Windows 10/11
Supports Intel & AMD
Every Motherboard supported
